Thursday, March 31, 2011

Osprey Two

Sometimes when taking photo’s outdoors you just don’t know what you’re going to get until you get home and review. That’s the case with this photo I call “Osprey Two.” After a close inspection of the picture, I notice a white streak in the sky. Looks like a jet vapor trail across the blue sky. But you know, I have never seen a vapor trail take a right turn so quickly. Maybe it’s a UFO? On second thought I never did hear of any other reports of sightings on that day, which surely I would have. I know it’s someone parachuting with the smoky thing attached so you can see them fall to earth. Nope, that can’t be right. 

Its Osprey poop! Dang, check out the quantity, and how straight, long and powerful it is. It could be used as a weapon. I certainly wouldn’t prefer to be under or behind this projectile. It probably showed up on radar.  Oh yeah, notice the title, “Osprey Two”, it fits don’t you think? Remember; what’s in your Woods, River, Lake or Bay, if you don’t know go find out! 

I hope you enjoyed the poop and remember; what’s in your Woods, River, Lake or Bay, if you don’t know go find out!