Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Out Foxed?
A few years ago, I wanted to find out if foxes were roaming in our woods, "the ten acre woods" as we call it. It's named from the Winnie the Pooh story, "hundred acre woods." Anyway, here's what happened, enjoy!
Yesterday, I took my bottle of Fox urine and motion detection camera
'Critter Cam" to the ten acre woods with the goal of photographing a Red Fox. I found an ideal spot with tracks in the snow about 20 feet from a tree that would be a great place to attach Critter Cam. I placed Critter Cam on the tree, pointing to the trail.
Thinking like a Fox, I found a small shrub that's a perfect spot for a Red Fox to hike or squat. My thinking is that Mr. Fox will be sniffing out the fake trespasser and will zero in to the shrub while Critter Cam takes the perfect photo. I very carefully took out my bottle of Fox urine also known as Fox valentine perfume, which has a handy dandy spray nozzle on top. I sprayed the small shrub like you would if you had a can of bathroom deodorizer and just finished letting off a stink bomb in your first dates, bathroom.
Unfortunately for me, I had gloves on and some of the spray ran down the bottle. I guess you could say I Fox Peed on myself, Dang it! Well anyway, all is set, so I hiked back home. Arriving home, I open the door and was attacked by Creamy, Gray, Stormy, and Kibble our cats. Dang Fox urine! In the next few days I will check back to see if I met my goal, Red Fox photo. Cross your fingers!
Mmmm, feels good to accomplish a goal! Do you know "What's in your woods".
Yesterday, I took my bottle of Fox urine and motion detection camera
'Critter Cam" to the ten acre woods with the goal of photographing a Red Fox. I found an ideal spot with tracks in the snow about 20 feet from a tree that would be a great place to attach Critter Cam. I placed Critter Cam on the tree, pointing to the trail.
Thinking like a Fox, I found a small shrub that's a perfect spot for a Red Fox to hike or squat. My thinking is that Mr. Fox will be sniffing out the fake trespasser and will zero in to the shrub while Critter Cam takes the perfect photo. I very carefully took out my bottle of Fox urine also known as Fox valentine perfume, which has a handy dandy spray nozzle on top. I sprayed the small shrub like you would if you had a can of bathroom deodorizer and just finished letting off a stink bomb in your first dates, bathroom.
Unfortunately for me, I had gloves on and some of the spray ran down the bottle. I guess you could say I Fox Peed on myself, Dang it! Well anyway, all is set, so I hiked back home. Arriving home, I open the door and was attacked by Creamy, Gray, Stormy, and Kibble our cats. Dang Fox urine! In the next few days I will check back to see if I met my goal, Red Fox photo. Cross your fingers!
At 6:30 this morning, I awoke and took off to the woods to check Critter Cam, my motion detection camera. I have it placed on a tree near an animal trail, which I have sprayed Fox urine around with the goal of photographing a Red Fox. For EIGHT day’s I have checked critter cam. Each day nothing, except for a squirrel coming near. But today, I think, I believe, it appears, I have a photo of the critter. Not out foxed, It does look like a fox?
I call this goal accomplished. Now for a photo of a Bobcat, do they make Bobcat pee? Also, as in earlier posts about this subject, I have learned a bunch. One, I found Fox urine to be difficult to get off, I spilled a little on me, which Ajax and Bounty wouldn't even get off. Two, it attracts cats. Our cats Gray, Smokey, Creamy and Kibble smell this stuff out no matter where I put it and go after it. Here is Creamy out in the woods smelling fox pee and interfering in my Operation Fox Photo.
Mmmm, feels good to accomplish a goal! Do you know "What's in your woods".
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Do creatures stir on Christmas night?
A couple of years ago, I set out to determine what happens in my backyard on Christmas night, would I see reindeer, eves or maybe Santa? The goal was to use my infrared, motion detector, camera and capture a picture of what may be stirring on a cold Christmas night.
11:50 pm - The first picture that critter cam caught was of our cat, Creamy. All looks normal on Christmas night. (Picture number 52 and temperature of 31)
3:17 am - Then a picture was taken, but I don’t see anything that would have set off the motion detector. Hmm, this seems odd. (Picture number 53 and temperature of 31)
7:14 am – Again our cat is caught walking past the camera. Well, it appears that I was unsuccessful with pictures of just our cat. The more I think about it, the camera should have been on the roof because this is where the reindeer should have been working. However, I have determined that the camera didn't capture any creatures between the hours of 11:50pm and 7:14am, approximately 7-1/2 hours. So, it appears that critters do not stir on Christmas night. Feeling sad that I didn't get a picture of a reindeer, I went outside to see if I could find out what had set the camera off at 3:17 am.
To my surprise, I saw a round object in the snow.
After a closer inspection, it was a red bell. Wow, could this bell have come off Santa’s sleigh when he was leaving our house? I believe at 3:17 am, Santa left our home and this red bell fell off his sleigh. The bell must have fallen near the camera and it triggered the motion detector. Wow, I can’t believe it, Santa's sleigh bell. Should I mail the bell back to the North Pole?
As you can see, my maps make a great gift. To see more of my work, click here
Remember, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Not a fish was stirring!!
I went fishing last year near Christmas and here's what happened.
Last weekend I went to one of my favorite lakes to fish and kayak. This particular lake was stocked with Rainbow Trout the day before and my goal was to catch few. This poem tells you how well the fishing trip went.
T’was the night after the Rainbows had been stocked at the lake, I went fishing to see what I might take,
The flys were hung in the tackle box with care, in hopes that a big rainbow would soon be there.
When out on the lake there arose such a splatter, I sprang up in my kayak to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, a just fallen tree near a old whitetail deer.
I found not a fish was stirring, not even a carp, so I paddled my Kayak back to the park.
When I arrived home, fun was had by all, as my wife had just arrived from the mall.
That pretty much sums up my fishing trip. Apparently the trout, being new to the lake had pissed off everyone and nothing was biting.
Remember, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!
Not a fish was stirring not even a carp!
The flys were hung in the tackle box with care, in hopes that a big rainbow would soon be there.
When out on the lake there arose such a splatter, I sprang up in my kayak to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, a just fallen tree near a old whitetail deer.
I found not a fish was stirring, not even a carp, so I paddled my Kayak back to the park.
When I arrived home, fun was had by all, as my wife had just arrived from the mall.
That pretty much sums up my fishing trip. Apparently the trout, being new to the lake had pissed off everyone and nothing was biting.
Visit my website to see more. I have over two hundred lake, river and bay maps on my website that can be purchased right from the site, or I can do custom and personalized lake, river or bay maps, too. If you would like to see more and read about my treasured maps go to
As you can see, my maps make a great gift. To see more of my work, click here
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
A little bit about me!
This has been a very busy year for us. Here's a little bit about my family.
Sarah graduated from Davidson Academy as
valedictorian in May. She then began her freshman year at Sewanee: the
University of the South. She continues to be an avid runner and is currently
training for her third half-marathon.
has completed her final semester at Sewanee, where she is summa cum laude. She will receive a Bachelor of Science in biology
with a minor in environmental studies. Callie will continue working at the University
doing research before going to graduate school. Our cats, Gray-gray, Stormy
(Fatboy), and Creamy (Tyrone) are fat and happy.
My wife, Karen teaches at Davidson Academy and I have been growing LeoLakes Treasured Maps.
Thank You for purchasing my vintage style maps. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Thursday, December 11, 2014
A smile for Grandpa
It seems like I'm an Elf in Santa's workshop with all the Christmas maps that are being worked on. The studio is a little messy, but enjoying it! Check-out the email that I received below. I hope I can put a big smile on grandpa's face!
"This map is for my grandpa. Please work your magic and include all of your amazing art (fish, mermaid, geese, plane, heron and eagle) that would make grandpa smile from ear to ear when he receives this for Christmas. Also, my brother is an Apache pilot in the US Army, not sure how hard it would be for you to add a small helicopter (it can be a simple model of any kind) somewhere close to the property...if that's too much to ask for I completely understand. Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Happy holidays to you and your family!"
Oh yeah, this is my studio during this Christmas seasons. Happy Holiday's!

Monday, December 8, 2014
Vintage Style Map of St Croix
I just finished this map of St Croix Island. It will be a Christmas gift for someone who has a condo on the Island. If you look closely you can see fish that I place in the waters for interest.
The birds will be hand painted (touched-up) to make them pop before shipping. Some where in the waters is a tiny hidden mermaid.
If you look closely in the picture below, you may see the fish jumping out of the water. I often place different things in the waters for folks to look for.

As you can see, my maps make a great gift. To see more of my work, click here
Remember: Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream, or at least enjoy one on your wall.
Friday, November 21, 2014
A Great Lake House Christmas gift!
A Great Lake House Christmas gift! A beautiful canvas map of the lake that the lake house is located on, of course. This makes the perfect gift for the lake house owner, or lake lover. A great Christmas gift, check-out these comments from our customers. Oh yeah, don't forget to look for the hidden mermaid in the waters of your favorite waters!
The map arrived right on time and it was a sensational hit. Thanks so much, this was exactly what I was looking for and was even better than anticipated. Nate
I just received the map, it looks beautiful! Thank you for helping me put together such a spectacular gift and I will definitely keep you in mind for future gift ideas. Have a wonderful Sunday!
It arrived safely and looks great. Thank you so much for everything! Thanks again!
Arrived safe and sound this afternoon and looks great! I can't wait to give it to my parents for xmas for their new lake house. Thank you!
Go to to see if we have your map. We have many popular lake maps such as the Lake Winnipesaukee map, Great Sacandaga Lake map, Lewis Smith Lake map, Pickwick Lake map, Greer's Ferry Lake map, Lake Sidney Lanier map, Lake Sinclair map, Table Rock Lake map, and Lake Wallenpaupack map. Also, we paint custom maps and have personalized maps for that special someone.
It arrived safely and looks great. Thank you so much for everything! Thanks again!
Arrived safe and sound this afternoon and looks great! I can't wait to give it to my parents for xmas for their new lake house. Thank you!
Go to to see if we have your map. We have many popular lake maps such as the Lake Winnipesaukee map, Great Sacandaga Lake map, Lewis Smith Lake map, Pickwick Lake map, Greer's Ferry Lake map, Lake Sidney Lanier map, Lake Sinclair map, Table Rock Lake map, and Lake Wallenpaupack map. Also, we paint custom maps and have personalized maps for that special someone.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Cook Inlet Decor Map
I just complete a new map of Cook Inlet located in Alaska and if you look closely you may find a hidden mermaid in the waters of Cook Inlet below. What's the most interesting feature about Cook Inlet, I will tell you, but first a little about the inlet? The inlet stretches for about 180 miles with Anchorage located near the north end.
There are two active volcanoes located near Cook Inlet, Augustine and Mount Redoubt. There is an abundance of oil and gas deposits around the Cook Inlet basin and many platforms dot the land and seascape.
Interestingly, Beluga whales can be seen in the inlet. Its been determined that these are an isolated stock that are genetically distinct and are on the endangered species list. As you can see, there's a lot of interesting features on Cook Inlet, but to me, the most interesting is Tidal bores. What are Tidal Bores, bugs, holes, caves? Nope, but it only happens in a few places on earth, one of these being Turnagain Arm near Anchorage.
A Tidal Bore is a large wave, up to 10 feet, or many waves that move down the Turnagain Arm. Unlike most tides, Tidal Bores happen quickly. The largest bores occur after the lowest tides, due to the large amount of water rushing back into the inlet. There are scheduled times each day to see the bore.
Folks actually surf on the incoming bore, but I bet it's a bit chilly. The best place to see a Tidal Bore is Beluga Point. If you are ever visiting Cook Inlet, check out the Tidal Bore.
I hide a tiny mermaid/fish in the waters of all my lake map paintings that folks love to search for. I call my maps treasured maps because most folks have that special body of water that they treasure. These maps make great Christmas gifts for the lake house owner, lake lover, or fisherman. I have over two hundred on my website that can be purchased right from the site, or I can do custom and personalizes lake, river or bay maps, too. If you would like to see more and read about my treasured maps go to

There are two active volcanoes located near Cook Inlet, Augustine and Mount Redoubt. There is an abundance of oil and gas deposits around the Cook Inlet basin and many platforms dot the land and seascape.
Interestingly, Beluga whales can be seen in the inlet. Its been determined that these are an isolated stock that are genetically distinct and are on the endangered species list. As you can see, there's a lot of interesting features on Cook Inlet, but to me, the most interesting is Tidal bores. What are Tidal Bores, bugs, holes, caves? Nope, but it only happens in a few places on earth, one of these being Turnagain Arm near Anchorage.
A Tidal Bore is a large wave, up to 10 feet, or many waves that move down the Turnagain Arm. Unlike most tides, Tidal Bores happen quickly. The largest bores occur after the lowest tides, due to the large amount of water rushing back into the inlet. There are scheduled times each day to see the bore.
Folks actually surf on the incoming bore, but I bet it's a bit chilly. The best place to see a Tidal Bore is Beluga Point. If you are ever visiting Cook Inlet, check out the Tidal Bore.
See more of my treasured map Read what my customers are saying. "I was finally able to give my husband the map I bought for his birthday last night. I want you to know how beautiful it was and how touched he was by it. He loves this Lake. His family has a home there and when we are lucky we get away for a few days, it’s the only place we want to be. He actually had tears in his eyes. Thank you for the beautiful art work."
I hide a tiny mermaid/fish in the waters of all my lake map paintings that folks love to search for. I call my maps treasured maps because most folks have that special body of water that they treasure. These maps make great Christmas gifts for the lake house owner, lake lover, or fisherman. I have over two hundred on my website that can be purchased right from the site, or I can do custom and personalizes lake, river or bay maps, too. If you would like to see more and read about my treasured maps go to

Remember: Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream, or at least enjoy one on the wall.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
A Veteran Salute
A salute to my dad, Corporal Oscar Oldfield who was in the Army Air Force during World War Two and was a member of the 846th Bomb Sq. 989th GP. He spent three years, one month and 18 days serving this country during a very perilous time. He was station at several different locations including, Eglin Field FL, Flagstaff AR, and Anchorage AK.
He was an avid fishing and during his time at Eglin Field FL, he and his buddies would fish in swamps in and around Choctawhatchee Bay. A few times they had to fight the gators for their catch.
He was an avid fishing and during his time at Eglin Field FL, he and his buddies would fish in swamps in and around Choctawhatchee Bay. A few times they had to fight the gators for their catch.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Unique Wedding Gift
Folks take great pleasures spending time on there favorite lake. There's so many things to do, from a relaxing boat ride, to sitting dockside and enjoying friends, or more seriously, meeting your future mate and marrying on that beloved lake. That's what happen with a young couple on Lake Winnipesaukee.
The making of a family heirloom! I was lucky to be contacted about providing a unique wedding gift for a couple. I was asked to add two hearts to my Lake Winnipesaukee decor map. The first heart was placed to the location that they first met and labeled, "The Day We Met" with the date. A second heart was added to the location that they were wed, labeled "Our Wedding Date." with the date.
At the wedding, the map was displayed where family and friends could actually sign and make comments on the map with a sharpie. I think it will be great in the years to comes for their children to gaze into the map and read comments from their parents wedding day.
Now that's a true family heirloom. I hope the couple purchases a home near Lake Winnipesaukee and the map becomes a treasured map. On occasion, I do get involved in new and creative ideas for my maps. Believe it or not this is not the first wedding map that I have completed. I normally do a few a year and have even finished one that was 3.5ftx7ft. On this large wedding map, I actually hand painted interlocking wedding rings.
The making of a family heirloom! I was lucky to be contacted about providing a unique wedding gift for a couple. I was asked to add two hearts to my Lake Winnipesaukee decor map. The first heart was placed to the location that they first met and labeled, "The Day We Met" with the date. A second heart was added to the location that they were wed, labeled "Our Wedding Date." with the date.
At the wedding, the map was displayed where family and friends could actually sign and make comments on the map with a sharpie. I think it will be great in the years to comes for their children to gaze into the map and read comments from their parents wedding day.
Now that's a true family heirloom. I hope the couple purchases a home near Lake Winnipesaukee and the map becomes a treasured map. On occasion, I do get involved in new and creative ideas for my maps. Believe it or not this is not the first wedding map that I have completed. I normally do a few a year and have even finished one that was 3.5ftx7ft. On this large wedding map, I actually hand painted interlocking wedding rings.
It's true that lakes have become a popular location for wedding because of the love for the lake. In fact, my wife dreamed up this great poem that pretty much sums it up.
"I love this lake, the most amazing thing appear in its wake, the sun arises above the shore, giving grace and beauty to this place that I adore".
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Halloween Mystery
Mr. Bunny lived in the meadow across the road from the ten acre woods. He spent most of his days with his wife and 12 children in their beautiful two hole house, only coming out in the early morning and late evening to eat. Something was different about this day and Mr. Bunny could probably sense it. While Mr. Bunny was enjoying a second helping of fresh clover, he was suddenly and brutally attacked. The evidence indicates that Mr. Bunny struggled with his attacker but was not able to free himself. He was killed on the spot and his body was dragged from the meadow, across the street, and down the ten acre drive.
Forensic evidence suggests that Mr. Bunny died from bite marks around the neck area. Also, the time of death cannot be certain, but rigamortis had set in and Mr. Bunny was likely killed sometimes on the evening of the 15th.
Forensic evidence suggests that Mr. Bunny died from bite marks around the neck area. Also, the time of death cannot be certain, but rigamortis had set in and Mr. Bunny was likely killed sometimes on the evening of the 15th.
While police were canvassing the area, another body was discovered only 25ft up the drive from Mr. Bunny. This body was that of a field rat that also lived in the meadow. It appears this victim was murdered in the same fashion as Mr. Bunny however, evidence indicates Mr. Rat was killed on the morning of the 16th.
Police indicated that there are four known predators of interest. All four are being interviewed.
Mr. Storm
Mr. Stormy is a grumpy 4 year old cat. Police commented that it was difficult to get anything out of Stormy. After interviewing Mr. Stormy, Police have concluded that Mr. Stormy is a house cat and has never been outside. Stormy commented "I did not do it, there is no way. I’m a full time house kitty!"
Mr. Gray
Mr. Gray was very cooperative and seemed to like the attention even suggesting a suspect. Mr. Gray commented that he bet that it was that mean cat Spot Nose that lives outside. Police have also concluded that Mr. Gray is a full time house kiddy and had no means of leaving the house at the time of the murders.
Mr. Creamy
Mr. Creamy is an indoor/outdoor cat. He is a loner and kind of crazy. Police have determined that Mr. Creamy had the means and the motive to murder the field animals. In fact, Mr. Creamy was outdoors and no one had seen Mr. Creamy during the time of the murders. Creamy is a cat of interest.
Mr. Spot Nose
Mr. Spot Nose is the bully of the neighborhood. He beats up every cat that’s near and has even been seen chasing wild turkeys. Police can’t even find Spot Nose to interview. Spot Nose is a cat of interest.
Police have completed a profile of the murderer that suggests the murderer is a predator, likes for his victims to be found, kills in the early morning or late evening, is a pathological murderer who preys on small helpless field animals. A policeman was quoted as saying “we have a serial killer in our neighborhood” stay in your hole. Stay tuned for more information on this riveting story…………….

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Wild Halloween Party
Below are pictures from the Wild Halloween Party at Old Field Studio. The characters from my other blog, stopped by for some fun. Boy, did things get out of hand, check out these costumes!
This is where the Halloween Party started to get way too wild and this is the last picture that we could show!
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