Monday, October 29, 2012

Old Field Studio Halloween Party

Below are pictures from the Wild Halloween Party at Old Field Studio. The characters from my other blog, stopped by for some fun. Boy, did the things get out of hand, but first here's some costumes!

This is where the Halloween Party started to get way too wild and this is the last picture that we could show!

Hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Fall Walk in the woods

About five days ago, I took a walk in the ten acre woods. Here's what I found. 
Fall has finally come to the ten acre woods. This is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather was a warm sunny day with a light wind coming from the west. You can smell the crispy leaves that have already fallen from the trees.
Yellows, greens, orange and red dominate near a fence rail I put up several years ago.

In a month, the only green left here will be the cedar tree on the right.

Dogwoods turn a beautiful crimson red in the fall and the berries are a bright red.

In the city graffiti is painted on building, trains etc, in the woods graffiti is carved on trees. I have a large beech tree near the corner of the property and someone has carved a few words on its trunk. I'm not sure of the words.  
I'm not sure of this plant but it has a cotton looking fiber coming from a pineapple?

Sometimes while walking in the woods you come across pass home sites. This was likely a part of a foundation of an old house. I wonder how old it is and who lived here? 

Well now it's time to head back to the house, remember: What's in your woods, go find out!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The best fishing invention of the 2012!
Wives this will be a great Christmas gift for that husband that fishes. Read all about it below.
You ever caught a fish and wished it would've been bigger, I know I have? Now with Bass Botox you can make that bass as big as you want. Just try Barb's Bass Botox. Look's like Bass Botox will be a hit this year. Also look around this site, there's more incredible stuff to see.
Remember: Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Best Lake Decor Gift for 2012!

Here's the best lake decor gift of the year, a personalized vintage style map of their favorite lake, river, or bay. What a unique gift for the sportsman, lake lover, boat or lake house owner. Add those cherished photo's of that big trophy fish, fun family outing, lake house, favorite sail boat, lucky lure, or water skiing trip directly to their favorite vintage style lake map.

Folks are discovering that these personalized decor maps are wonderfully unique gifts that become family heirlooms. 

Oh yeah, I hide things in the lakes waters, which make the maps even more interesting. I  hide a tiny mermaid/fish in the waters of all my lake map paintings that folks love to search for. I call my maps treasured maps because most folks have that special body of water that they treasure. These maps make great gifts for the lake house owner, lake lover, or fisherman. I have over two hundred on my website that can be purchased right from the site, or I can do custom and personalizes lake, river or bay maps, too. 

As you can see, my maps make a great gift. To see more of my work click 
Orders are picking up during the holiday's, so order soon. Click here for more information.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The last of the hummers!

In Nashville, about a week ago the temp was 45 degrees at 6:30 in the morning. Luckily, we had left the humming bird feeder for any stragglers coming through. While looking out of the kitchen window, I was amazed to see a very slow flying humming bird. In fact he was flying so slow, he was struggling to stay airborne. I could tell he was relieved when he landed safely on the feeder rail.
I quickly grabbed the camera and took a few shots of this very cold hummer. This was the last humming bird of the season and was probably on his way to Mexico. Cancun I bet.
I guess you could say this was the last flash of summer until next year!

"Life is short, get away from the iPad and go look for a lily pad."

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Finally, the Palm Rat has passed over the palm tree!!!

It appears the battle with the palm rat is over. Read how it all started by clicking on the new stuff tab above and scrolling to a posts called "I heard a noise coming from the toilet."

Here's the latest up-date.

Day 6 - Yep, it appears the palm rat (HoudiniRat) has eaten one too many XXX rat poison pellets. The only problem, the body hasn't been found, however the battle with the palm rat is over and the clean up begins.

  Remember "Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!"

Friday, October 12, 2012

The best lake welcome sign you can't find!

The BEST lake welcome sign you can't find, until now. I have put all my creative & artistic skill into creating decor signs that incorporate my lakes, rivers and bays vintage maps. After much experimenting, I think I have finally come up with a style that I'm satisfied with. If you look closely, you will see the vintage style map behind the welcome message. Now for all of the maps that I have painted, I can print these cool looking welcome signs of your favorite lake, river, or bay. I don't think you can find a better looking lake decor welcome sign! Also, they can be personalized what your name! 

Since I fish, I decided that it would be nice to add fish to my vintage style maps.

I have been drawing and painting many fish (Bass, Trout, Catfish, Saltwater fish etc..) so as to use them in my decor maps in some way. This is the result and I am very pleased with this art. Note the names of the fish are at the bottom and top of the map.

These maps make great gifts for the lake house owner, lake lover, or fisherman. I have over two hundred on my website that can be purchased right from the site, or I can do custom and personalizes lake, river or bay maps, too. If you would like to see more and read about my treasured maps go to

What do you think about these prints? Remember, "Get away from the big screen and get on a big stream. If not, put one on your wall!"

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Continued-I heard a noise coming from the toliet!

This is a continuing saga that has been progressing for the last five days about my mother and father-in-laws battle with a palm rat. Read how it all started by reading the previous post called "I heard a noise coming from the toilet." Here's the up-date.

Day 5 - My mother and father-in-law woke from sleeping in the sun room and found more damage from Harry HoudiniRat. It appears HoudiniRAT climbed up the wall and across the ceiling to tear down the fire alarm. Yep, the fire alarm. Humm........ not sure how or why he did that but I'm hoping he's not considering torching the place.

After that, HoudiniRat moved on to the bathroom, knocking over toiletries and leaving lots of little packages. Now for the bad news, he cleaned the traps without setting them off again, however he did eat a large amount of XXX rat poison. Dang, this is one tough rat, the second helping of XXX rat poison and he's still alive. I think I need to ship'em a bowl of my special chili, that would do the trick. Anyway stay tuned for day six.