About five days ago, I took a walk in the ten acre woods. Here's what I found.
Fall has finally come to the ten acre woods. This is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather was a warm sunny day with a light wind coming from the west. You can smell the crispy leaves that have already fallen from the trees.
Yellows, greens, orange and red dominate near a fence rail I put up several years ago.
In a month, the only green left here will be the cedar tree on the right.
Dogwoods turn a beautiful crimson red in the fall and the berries are a bright red.
In the city graffiti is painted on building, trains etc, in the woods graffiti is carved on trees. I have a large beech tree near the corner of the property and someone has carved a few words on its trunk. I'm not sure of the words.
I'm not sure of this plant but it has a cotton looking fiber coming from a pineapple?
Sometimes while walking in the woods you come across pass home sites. This was likely a part of a foundation of an old house. I wonder how old it is and who lived here?
Well now it's time to head back to the house, remember: What's in your woods, go find out!