Monday, September 20, 2010

Cat questions everything!

There is Smokey the Bear, Smokey the Hound, and now, Smokey the cat. What is Smokey's name to fame? Well, he always ends in a question, can you tail. Smokey questions everything no matter where he travels. When we found Smokey and his brother they were living in a hole on the side of a road. They appeared to be about 5-6 weeks old and now they live with us. I would say that Smokey and Stormy hit the kitty cat jack pot. I'm not the biggest cat person around but, they have brought a lot of joy into our lives.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Is it a UFO, a strange fish, or a child's toy, nope?   It measures about 5 ounces with an 8 eight wing span and is warm blooded and furry. Hopefully, you have figured out by now, I am talking about a bat.

You see my nephew was fishing at night on the Duck river in Tennessee and bats were flying around catching inspects. One bat was apparently having trouble with its radar or it was joking with all the other little bats and must have said: "hey y'all watch this". Anyway the bat ends up flying directly into the fishing line that was stretched out over the water. Somehow the bat gets entangled in the fishing line and can't get free. Now that's the way you catch a bat on a fishing pole. Is this a state record for bats or the only bat ever caught on a fishing pole. I'm not sure, but this is a unique story  Lucky for the bat, he was removed from the line and flew off like a bat out of hell. I can just see his little bat buddies laughing and giving him a hard time. Checkout my web site: