Friday, January 17, 2014

Our Neighbors!

Not far from the back of our home (about 25 ft. from our back door), My wife discovered this nest about 10 feet above the ground. Luckily, I didn't wander near the nest during the summer time, because I am allergic to bee stings. In fact, so allergic that one sting and I will end up in the hospital. Anyway, it's likely that the nest was built last spring and we didn't see it until the winter when the leaves were gone. 

I did a little research and found that it's built by a Bald Faced Hornet and there stings are pretty nasty. This hornet is aggressive and will attack if you approach the nest. They average about 400 hornets and eat insects such as caterpillars, fly's, but little nectar. You know, there were almost no fly's around the house last summer. At this time of year, they say that there's no hornets in the nest, we shall see, because my goal is to remove the nest and bring it inside. I will let you know how this goes.

What's in your woods, lake, river or bay? Get out and find out!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

When do you know that you have found your calling?

A few years ago, I got to follow my dream, a dream of having my own studio and creating the art that I love. After some wandering around on exactly what I wanted to produce, then putting all my creative and artistic ability in to it, I can now say that I have found it, "producing creative decor maps of places that folks love." I think this email below, from one of my customers pretty much sums it up, I have found my calling!" 

I received my custom, Hammock Lake decor map yesterday and was like a kid opening it on Christmas Day.  I could not wait to see it, and it definitely did not disappoint! It it stunning!!  Thank you so much for working with me to create this amazing focal point of my home. Your work is gorgeous and is just what I had been looking for!! I absolutely love the barn wood frame!! Thank you also for your promptness on answering your emails and for the super quick delivery.  Your business is more than 5 star and is so much appreciated!!! Thank you again and have a GREAT 2014!!

Have a very Happy New Year and remember "Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream."

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Look Marge!

I haven't posted much recently because I have been so busy. Here's a quick cartoon that you may enjoy.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A lake with beautiful panoramic views!

Snuggled against the Blue Ridge Mountains, is a crystal blue clear lake with beautiful panoramic views. That lake is Rhodhiss Lake. Located about 1 hour away from Winston-Salem and Charlotte, North Carolina, making it just far enough to keep it peaceful, yet close enough for the urban amenities.

The lake is fairly small with a surface area of 3,060 acres and 90 miles of shoreline. Boating and fishing are the main recreational activities. Rhodhiss Lake is becoming known as a tournament lake by the increasing number of fishing tournaments being held. What makes this a special lake? Probably, the sandy bottom, which makes for some crystal clear water and the beautiful mountain views. The decor map above, is a custom map that I did for a customer who lives on Rhodhiss lake. I paint lake, river, and bay maps, both custom and personalized. See more at my website

Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big screen!

Friday, December 6, 2013


Hey since it's winter, I had to pull out one of my old, humorous snowmen pictures, "Snowman-Ology." Well, I think it's humorous! Hope you enjoyed. 

Life is short, get away from the big screen and get on a big stream!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wader Shorts

Hmm.... Wader Shorts?
Another one of my fishing cartoons. Not sure about wader shorts?

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Best Lake House Gift!

What's the best Lake House gift for Christmas. A beautiful LeoLakes Treasured Decor Map. If you have a Lake House or know someone that does, then a nice, vintage style map of your beloved lake will look spectacular hanging on the wall. Leo Lakes have many sizes and most lakes can be ordered right from the website with only a few days to deliver. We even paint custom lake maps for that small lake.
On our canvas prints, the waterfowl and other areas of the map are hand painted (touched-up). Also, Leo hides a tiny mermaid in the waters of every lake which makes an ideal conversational piece. See other interesting facts about our maps at
You can add a star to the location of your Lake House to give that personal touch and even add a label such as "The Johnson's House Est. 2006". Here's one of our curtomer comments:

"Leo, the Yough Lake print arrived safely yesterday! It’s beautiful, can’t wait to give it to my husband for his birthday! Found the fish and the Mermaid, great conversation piece! Thanks for all your help, I’ll definitely recommend your website! Thanks again"

If it's a gift for the lake house owner, just wait until you see there face when they open a LeoLakes Treasured Decor Map! See more at