Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A new painting in the works!

It's actually the beginning of a map that I have painted of a river in middle Tennessee. I will add additional detail in the up coming days. Can you determine the name of this river?

This is a test to see what a river map painting might look like. It is 10x20 and painted with water colors and ink. Remember, you always need to try something new to keep learning and this is my new.  I will be up-dating this post every few days. Also, remember to get up, and get out into the great outdoors.  

Last night we had a very important visitor for dinner!

Last night we had a very important visitor that some might call a celebrity. He represents the state proudly on many publications and can often be seen in the media. His title:  The official animal of the Great State of Tennessee. 
Can you name him? Well if not, it’s a Raccoon. He came by for dinner and stayed for about two hours.   
We named him Davy Crockett or Davy for short, but I don’t believe he liked it. I think he is still upset about that coon skin cap incident in the 1800s.
Oh well, Davy enjoyed the food and we took pictures of him playing in the snow.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow plowing turkeys!

Seen in this photo, three turkeys remove snow from man's front yard. These turkeys have been trained to march in line and scrape the ground, removing what's near. The turkeys can remove snow from sidewalks, streets and other public places. In addition, they can rake leaves in the fall. Just think, no more laborious work cleaning away snow or leaves and they do a better job than a snow/leaf blower. The turkeys are easy to train. All you need to do is spread cracked corn in the area that is in need of clearing and the turkeys go to work. What's really great is that turkeys will work in all types of weather. Who knows, but you may see turkeys as members of the Public Works Department in the future.

                     Seen here turkeys at work.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Red-tail Hawk

A nice picture of  Red-tail Hawk I took yesterday.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What your cat might be thinking!

Ten things Creamy the smart cat might be thinking!

1. Me likes butterflies. They taste like chicken.
2. Me likes me new accessory.
3. Wow, wait til the girls see this.
4. Me always been told me nose is attractive.
5. Y’all see this!
6. Oh boy, good luck. Me wish me's could plays the lottery.
7. Me’s sleepy.
8. Grandma is that you?
9. Oooooooooh, a little to the right.
10. Ahhhhh, a cat eating butterfly!

Friday, December 31, 2010

My eleven principles to live by in 2011 in pictures!

Below are random paintings that have been organized to provide eleven principles to live by in 2011. 

1. Shine Brightly!

2. Don't Live Too Simply!

3. Believe

4. Don't be so judgmental!

5. Lead or Follow!

6. Don't Over Indulge!

7. Try New Things!

8. If you Fail, Keep Trying!

9. Search for the Humor in Things

10. Keep the Kid in you!

11. Follow your Passion!

If you follow these principles, then you may soar like an Osprey!

May you and yours have a blessed 2011!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Tennessee Tree Hugger!

This little Tennessee tree hugger was caught in action at 2:47am by critter cam. I'm not sure why he's hugging this tree, but I guess it's true that Raccoons are nocturnal. This is just one nights adventure, in the 10 acre woods on paradise ridge.