Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Continued-I heard a noise coming from the toliet!

This is a continuing saga that has been progressing for the last five days about my mother and father-in-laws battle with a palm rat. Read how it all started by reading the previous post called "I heard a noise coming from the toilet." Here's the up-date.

Day 5 - My mother and father-in-law woke from sleeping in the sun room and found more damage from Harry HoudiniRat. It appears HoudiniRAT climbed up the wall and across the ceiling to tear down the fire alarm. Yep, the fire alarm. Humm........ not sure how or why he did that but I'm hoping he's not considering torching the place.

After that, HoudiniRat moved on to the bathroom, knocking over toiletries and leaving lots of little packages. Now for the bad news, he cleaned the traps without setting them off again, however he did eat a large amount of XXX rat poison. Dang, this is one tough rat, the second helping of XXX rat poison and he's still alive. I think I need to ship'em a bowl of my special chili, that would do the trick. Anyway stay tuned for day six. 

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