Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Best Lake Michigan gift

Beautiful Lake Michigan! I have been working on this map of Lake Michigan that is a gift for a lake lover in Michigan. I've been to Lake Michigan a few times, mostly near Chicago. I always get that feeling that I'm near a sea. See more maps at 

This map is interesting! I can tell that the morning sun is shining on the lake.  is by hiding tiny little things in the waters. If you look closely, you find other intersting things...Make a great holiday gift!

As you may or may not know, I do cartoons. Most of my toons are lake, river or bay based.  Here's some of my favs.

Look mom no hands....

Kissing butt...?

Something is fishy here...

Paddle over to my website, I paint beautiful lake, river and bay decor maps. Also, I do custom maps

Folks are discovering that these decor maps are wonderfully unique gifts that become family heirlooms. I call my maps, treasured maps because most folks have that special body of water that they treasure. My treasured maps make a great gift for the fisherman, lake lover, or Lake house.

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