Monday, December 20, 2010

New elephant species discovered: CHAMELEON ELEPHANT !

NEWS FLASH- It’s hard to believe that scientist have discovered a new species of elephants. The newly discovered elephant will be called elephas chamaeleonidae or Chameleon Elephant. This elephant has the ability to almost disappear into its environment. The lead scientist on this discovery indicated that the Chameleon Elephants have been around for a long time, “we just could not see them because of their chameleon ability.” Also, it’s unlikely you will see them in a zoo because of this ability. By sheer luck a picture was taken of about a dozen, if you look closely you can make out their bodies, some are in different stages of chameleonism. This is the only proof that they exist. However, skeptics question the validity of this discovery with three words, where’s the poop? 
The lead scientist did make this comment: "I believe I have stepped in Chameleon Elephant poop! I don’t think you can see it, but you can surely smell it. So, if you ever smell a bad odor and can’t find it, then you have stepped in it too! Now that's the poop, I mean proof." 

Thursday, December 16, 2010


A female house cat on the prowl catches it’s prey and then encounters an American teenager. How will this drama end?

 On the prowl, ears alert and nose to the ground ready to pounce, the American house cat.
 Its sharp senses detect a sound under a layer of snow. Could it be the cats prey?
 Using its powerful rear legs, it pounces on its target.
 A few seconds and a minor struggle, the female house cat is victorious.
 Proudly prancing with its trophy, a terrified coal black field mouse, the cat tosses it on to the driveway.
 Now the “cat and mouse game” is on, entertainment for the cat, but terminal for the mouse.
 An American teenager, upset at what has transpired is ready for an intervention.
After a good scolding the cat runs and the mouse scurries away. All is normal again in “Drama in the driveway.” NOTE: The mouse was not harmed in this drama. It was a stunt mouse.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snowmen are getting larger at an alarming rate!!!

 The U.S. Government Study suggests that you slim down your snowman and stop feeding it snow. Stop the maddness.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New for Christmas, an electronic cat warmer!

It was so cold this morning that Creamy the cat used his new cat warmer!
Creamy the cat got his Christmas present early this year. It's a new electronic cat warmer with all the functions. Pictured here is Creamy enjoying the warmth. Creamy indicated that the electronic cat warmer is easy to use, warms fast and will even warm a bowl of milk. Creamy said "I really look forward to it after my morning patrol around the neighborhood, soooo relaxing." That Creamy cat is one smart cat.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A family farm tribute!

Without the farmer there would be no thanksgiving meal. This picture is of a cool fall morning and a cardinal perched on a rusted barb wire fence, with a cedar post that was placed in the ground years ago by a farmer. 

The loss of the family farm

Rotting externally into a time unknown,
Giving way into the land unsown,
The ghosts of the family farm it once knew,
are replaced by a world that is desperately new.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

These two turkeys are on the run. They certainly don't want to end up on a Thanksgiving table. I am sure they wished Ben Franklin had his way and the turkey was our national bird. Thank goodness the majestic eagle won the award because it just wouldn't feel right to have a national bird that gobbles. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.